Roseburg MH & RV Park Roseburg 97470

2071 NE Stephens St., #K-4

Roseburg, OR 97470 • Douglas County
2 | 1 | 576
$334 Est. Monthly Mortgage View Total Payment Including Rent

1969 Sahara Sahara


Newly remodeled home in Roseburg, Or! This cute single wide offers 2 bedrooms, and 1 bath. The home sits toward the back of the community for added privacy and security. Lots of yard space for the kids and animals. Come out and see for yourself!

Roseburg MH & RV Park
"A nice family park, I can’t wait to see the improvements and get to know everyone!" - Leilani N. "Great park! The new community leader is great" - Jenn B. "The park is nice and clean, and the manager is very helpful and friendly!" - Danika F.
Estimate Total Payment
*input desired down payment amount and press enter
Estimate based on an interest rate (APR) of 0% to be confirmed on approved credit. Please contact us to confirm and learn more. Call Now and Speak to Our Team 877-408-0801
House Price$44,990 Down Payment$5,000 Loan Term10 Years Estimated Payment Monthly Mortgage$1009 Mortgage$334 Rent$675 Taxes/InsuranceTBD
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